How TIC Provided A Solution For Dementia Patients






Flutter, Firebase

Solution for Dementia image 1
The Client

Dementia that describes a collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. It is not one specific disease. Dementia affects thinking, behavior and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Brain function is affected enough to interfere with the person’s normal social or working life.

Key Benefits

This app especially designed for patients who have memory loss or aged peoples in-order to increase their memory power which uses Quiz and Evaluation strategies from the lessons they learnt.

The Challenges

Some Aged peoples have a difficulty in reading in small screen
They also have difficulty in touching the screen for answering quiz.

Customer's Quotes

“Although the process took a little longer than expected the attention to detail, very thorough support and constant assurances really hit home for a family company like ours. Aside from that, the solution gives us the flexibility we require to review projects and assess the way we could outline future projects based on current and accurate data. In the construction world, agility is of the utmost importance, and this solution helps us maintain that edge.”