What is this deadly BRATA Malware Attack?
Cyberspace is one such arena that requires frequent up-gradation and monitoring on a regular basis. This is because with technology advancements more and more ways have been unlocked that can be used for good deeds as well as for bad deeds. For this same reason, cybercrimes too are on a rise. Cyber attackers are so advanced in their own means and they are on a constant search to develop and take new ways to exploit people in cyberspace for their own selfish means. These cyber attackers tend to be much obsessed with the act of acquiring personal and sensitive data by any means possible. Ransomware and phishing attacks are just two umbrella terms of such cyber attacks.
BRATA and Social Engineering Tactics
In order to accomplish this, cyber attackers adapt to certain strategies. One such recent strategy adopted by cybercriminals to carry out their cyber exploitation is through the method of social engineering. Here also, the main motive behind remains the confiscation of personal and sensitive data from device users by manipulating their internal fear and tension. The personal information they tend to acquire is usually important credentials, user accounts, passwords, financial and banking details, etc. BRATA is one of the latest tactics that they have come up with. What makes it so deadly and dangerous is that it is a combination of social engineering tactics and malware attacks.
What is BRATA?
BRATA is in short for Brazilian Remote Access Tool Android and it is a recent addition to the list of Android Malwares in today’s cyber world. It is commonly called Brazilian Remote Access Tool Android because it was initially posed in Brazil. BRATA made its official entry in Brazil through none other than the most popular Google Play. This malware attack is quite contagious that now it is expanding and making its way to other countries like the United States and Spain.
What BRATA does to confiscate your data is that initially, it would come up like a security scanner app. People who fall for this trap would install this security scanner app without many thoughts and this is where the trouble starts. Once the user installs it to their device, the malware would start installing fake updates and modifications to the rest of the existing apps in the user’s device. These updates are likely to vary depending on the configured language in the device.
How does BRATA infect your device?
BRATA works in a way that it attains complete access to your device control that it would be potent enough to capture your login credentials, passwords, unlock patterns, or even screen record your activities thereafter. BRATA can also perform activities like providing allowing of permissions that pop up on your screen, enabling and disabling applications and functions in your device, installing and uninstalling applications and functions, or even putting your device on silent or causing screen blackout.